Hosting Program -

NYCFC is in need of a small number of high-quality, welcoming families that have a comfortable home to provide accommodation for an Academy player. Players require a private bedroom, transportation and daily nutritious meals.

Players in Need of a Host Family

Academy players between the ages of 14 to 18 years old are in need of high-quality accommodation on a full-time basis.

Distance & Transport

We are seeking host families who can provide transportation. Each player's transportation situation is unique. Factors determining need include proximity of host family to school, distance from the Academy training center and weekend games.

Accommodations and Meals

Players will require a private bedroom, wireless internet access, television, desk, storage, and three nutritious meals a day.

Payment & Expenses

The Club operates in a fast-moving environment, so we require host families who are flexible and dedicated to caring for a player with a busy schedule. NYCFC makes a generous payment to host families to cover hosting expenses, recognizing the commitment required from the family.